Cheese Sauce for Fries and Nachos


125 g/ 4 1/2 oz /1 1/4 cups mature vegan cheddar cheese, grated100 g /3 1/2 oz/1 cup red vegan Red Leicester cheese, grated 1 tbsp cornflour (cornstarch)1 tbsp mustard 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper300 ml/10 1/2 fl. oz/1 1/4 cups single oats cream French fries or nachos, to serve.


1. Toss cheese with the cornflour, mustard and cayenne in a saucepan.2.add the oats milk, then cook over a low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until thick and bubbling.3.Spoon the sauce over French fries or nachos to serve.

Published by DFV Queen

I have develop a passion for natural and healthy life style, starting with a vegan life style including regular exercising each day. Which helped to feel inspired and happy within myself. my diet is very restricted due to severe allergies! When ever a food triggers a hostile response from the body's immune system the result is an allergy attack, which on occasion may be life-threatening although it's relatively simple to identifying problem foods, avoiding them completely is not always easy. My journey with allergies hasn't been easy "but" it has helped me to becomes a stronger person and would like to share and encourage others to never get discouraged, there's always light at the end of the tunnel if you keep persevering.