Stuffed Roast Yam with Spinach

Yam varieties a classified as either “firm” or “soft” when cooked, the former are more dense; the latter varies are more tender and moist, preparation can be as vast the varieties, including boiling, mashing, grilling, roasting and baking.


2lb yam with skin

4 handful of spinach

1 small onion, chopped finely

1 garlic clove, chopped finely

Salt and pepper


Use a sharp knife to prick the yam all over, cut out a piece in the middle to make space for the spinach. Rap yam in foil paper and put in oven 200°C (400°F/Gas 6) for an hour until softened.

In meantime wash and season the spinach with salt, pepper, garlic, and onion and cook until wilted.

Once yam has cooked through and feel tender by inserting a knife through the skin should go through easily, then remove from oven drain the juice from spinach and stuffed the yam with spinach and cover with foil and return to oven for 5 minutes, then remove and serve hot.

Published by DFV Queen

I have develop a passion for natural and healthy life style, starting with a vegan life style including regular exercising each day. Which helped to feel inspired and happy within myself. my diet is very restricted due to severe allergies! When ever a food triggers a hostile response from the body's immune system the result is an allergy attack, which on occasion may be life-threatening although it's relatively simple to identifying problem foods, avoiding them completely is not always easy. My journey with allergies hasn't been easy "but" it has helped me to becomes a stronger person and would like to share and encourage others to never get discouraged, there's always light at the end of the tunnel if you keep persevering.